

TEL. 0294-38-5041

〒316-8511 茨城県日立市中成沢4-12-1

研究成果Publications and other activities



"Modes of PADing" (News & Views) (Comissioned paper)
* Unno, M., Nat. Chem. Biol.(査読有): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41589-023-01506-z, (2024)


*海野昌喜, 城塚達也, 杉島正一, 和田啓, 萩原義徳, 矢野直峰, 日下勝弘, 波紋 (査読有): 33 (4), 151-156, (2023)
"A novel hybrid protein composed of superoxide-dismutase-active Cu(II) complex and lysozyme"
Furuya, T., *Nakane, D., Kitanishi, K., Katsuumi, N., Tsaturyan, A., Shcherbakov, I. R., Unno, M., *Akitsu, T., Sci. Rep. (査読有): 13, Article number 6892, (2023)

"Neuutron crystallogprahy and quantum chemical analysis of bilin reductase Pcya mutants reveal substrate and catalytic residue protonation states"
*Joutsuka, T.#, Nanasawa, R.#, Igarashi, K.#, Horie, K., Sugishima, M., Hagiwara, Y., Wada K., Fukuyama, K., Yano, N., Mori, S., Ostermann, A., Kusaka, K., *Unno, M., J. Biol. Chem. (査読有): 299(1), 102763, (2023)
# equally contributed.

"Relationship between protonation states and functions of redox proteins"
*Unno, M., 8th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Sciences at Ibarki University, 2023年11月28日, 水戸

"J-PARCとPhoton Factoryを使った酸化還元タンパク質の水素原子可視化と構造機能相関解明"
海野昌喜, 第2回茨城大学KEK Day 量子線科学講座 ~量子線でモノを見る!~, 2023年1月5日, 水戸・日立・ハイブリッド



"Autocitrullination and Changes in the Activity of Peptidylarginine Deiminase 3 Induced by High Ca2+ Concentrations"
Sawata, M., Shima, H., Murayama,K., Matsui, T., Igarashi, K.,  Funabashi, K., Ite, K.,  Kizawa, K.,  Takahara, H., *Unno, M., ACS Omega (査読有); 7 (32), 28378-28387, (2022) )

"Neutron structural analysis and computational chemistry reveal the controll mechanism of the redox potential of 4Fe-4S type ferredoxin from Bacillus thermoproteolyticus"
*Masaki Unno, Kenji Kobayashi, Iori Era, Yasutaka Kitagawa, Kei Wada, 4th International Conference on Persulfide and Sulfur Metabolism in Biology and Medicine (in Redox Week in Sendai 2022), Oct. 31st, 2022, Sendai, Japan

"フェレドキシン依存性ビリン還元酵素と関連タンパク質の中性子結晶構造解析 ~緑と青の色素および酸性アミノ酸のプロトン化状態"
 2022年度第2回(第31回) iBIX研究会, 2022年12月22日, オンライン



"Detailed structure of mouse interferon alpha2 and its interaction with Sortilin"
#Watanabe, H., #Yabe-Wada, T., Onai, N., *Unno, M., J. Biochem. (査読有); 170, 265-273, (2021) (#equally contributed)
Structures of human peptidylarginine deiminase type III provide insights into substrate recognition and inhibitor design"
Funabashi, K., Sawata, M., Nagai, A., Akimoto, M., Mashimo, R., Takahara, H., Kizawa, K., Thompson, P. R., Ite, K., Kitanishi, K., *Unno, M. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (査読有); 708, 108911, (2021)

"Characterization of a Cobalt-Substituted Globin-Coupled Oxygen Sensor Histidine Kinase from Anaeromyxobacter sp. Fw109-5: Insights into Catalytic Regulation by Its Heme Coordination Structure"
*Kitanishi, K., Shimokata, M., Unno, M. ACS Omega (査読有); 6 (50), 34912-34919, (2021)

"Weakly Non-Covalent Docking of Amino-Acid Schiff Base Zn(II) Complex to Lysozyme"
*Akisu, T., Kuroda, Y., Suda, S., Furuya, T., Haraguchi, T., Unno, M., Key Engineering Materials(査読有); 888, 105-110, (2021) (国際会議プロシーディングス

海野昌喜, iBIXタンパク質構造研究会, 2021年8月20日, オンライン


"Structure determination of the human TRPV1 ankyrin-repeat domain under nonreducing conditions"
Tanaka, M., Hayakawa, K., Ogawa, N., Kurokawa, T., Kitanishi, K., Ite, K., Matsui, T., Mori, Y., *Unno, M., Acta Cryst. (査読有); F76, 130-137, (2020)
Identification and Characterization of a Redox Sensor Phosphodiesterase from Ferrovum sp. PN-J185 Containing Bacterial Hemerythrin and HD-GYP Domains"
*Kitanishi, K., Igarashi, J., Matsuoka, A., Unno, M., Biochemistry (査読有); 59 (8), 983-991, (2020)
Optimal Mutant Model of Human S100A3 Protein Citrullinated at Arg51 by Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type III and Its Solution Structural Properties"
Ite, K., Yonezawa, K., Kitanshi, K., Shimizu, N., *Unno, M., ACS Omega (査読有); 5 (8), 4032-4042

"Relationships between Protonation States around the Iron-Sulfur Cluster and the Function of 4Fe4S-type Ferredoxin Revealed by Neutron Crystallography"
Masaki Unno, 錯体化学会第70回討論会, 2020年9月28日


"Evolution of S100A3 and PAD3, two important genes for mammalian hair"
Minato, T., Unno, M., *Kitano, T., Genes (査読有); 713, 143975, (2019)
"Bilin-metabolizing enzymes: site-specific reductions catalyzed by two different types of enzymes"
*Sugishima, M., Wada, K., Unno, M., Fukuyama, K., Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. (査読有);
59, 73-80, (2019)

"Evaluation of N-terminus in Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type I"
Nagai, A., Saijo, S., Kinjo, S., Mashimo, R., Akimoto, M., Kizawa, K., Yabe-Wada, T., Shimizu, N., Takahara, H., *Unno, M., JPS Conf. Proc. (査読有); 25, (2019), 011007 (国際会議論文)
"New Procedure for Expression, Purification and Crystallization of Human S100A3 Protein without Affinity Tag"
Ite, K., Kizawa, K., Kitanishi, K., *Unno, M., JPS Conf. Proc. (査読有); 25, (2019), 011014 (国際会議論文)

”Function of a ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductase and the protonation state of its substrate”
Masaki Unno, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会 シンポジウム; Toward the chmical reaction control in biological environment by high-sensitive hydrogen detection、2019年9月24日、宮崎シーガイヤコンベンションセンター


"Crystal Growth of a Bilin Reductase PcyA I86D Mutant-Substrate Complex for Neutron Crystallography"
Igarashi, K., Hagiwara, Y., Sugishima M., Wada, K., Fukuyama, K., Ikeda, A., Yano, N., Kusaka, K., Ostermann, A., *Unno, M., Cryst. Growth. Des. (査読有);
18, 5174-5181, (2018)
"Crystal Structure of the Ligand-Free Form of the Vps10 Ectodomain of Dimerized Sortilin at Acidic pH"
*Yabe-Wada, T., Matsuda, S., Unno, M., *Onai, N., FEBS Lett.(査読有); 592, 2647-2657, (2018)
"QM/MM Investigation for Protonation States in a Bilin Reductase PcyA-Biliverdin Complex"
Iijima, E., *Gleeson, P., Unno, M., *Mori, S., ChemPysChem(査読有);
19, 1809-1813, (2018)

海野昌喜, iBIX将来構想検討会(Closed)、2018年11月20日、東京・神田

"Protonation State and Reaction Mechanism of Phycocyaobilin:ferredoxin Oxidoreductase, PcyA"
Unno, M., Asian Workshop of Experiment and Theory in Quantum Beam Moleclar Sciences, June 3rd, 2018, Mito

海野昌喜, 尾瀬農之, 西野達達哉, 沼田倫征, 藤橋雅宏, 平野優, 鯨井智也, 藤川り映,
PF News Vol.36, No.4, pp. 30-31, (2019)
平成30年度 ひたちなか市市民大学C講座「分子レベルで見る生
命科学」のうち2講時を担当 (市民講座)


"Inhibitory Effects of Local Anesthetics on the Proteasome and Their Biological Actions"
Bahrudin, U., Unno, M., Nishio, K., Kita, A., Li, P., Kato, M., Inoue, M., Tsujitani, S., Murakami , T., Sugiyama, R., Saeki, Y., Obara, Y., Tanaka, K., Yamaguchi, H., Sakane, I., Kawata, Y., Itoh, T., Ninomiya, H., *Hisatome, I., *Morimoto, Y., Sci. Rep. (査読有); 7, article number 5079, (2017)

"The pH Dependent Protein Structure Transitions and Related Spin-State Transition of Cytochrome c' from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans NCIMB 11015"
Takashina, A., Tiedemann, M. T., Unno, M., Yamaguchi, T., Stillman M. J., *Kohzuma, T., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (査読有); 90, 169-177, (2017)


"Structures and Functions of Peptidylarginine Deiminases"
Unno, M., Kizawa, K., Takahara, H., Protein Deimination in Human Health and Disease, Nicholas, A., et al. (ed.), pp. 33-46

ConBio2017, シンポジウム「構造生物学の先端実験法」, 2017129, (神戸)
海野昌喜, 平成
29年度iBIX-JAXA合同タンパク質研究会, 201784, (東京)

4-4. 酵素の動的立体構造解析を基盤とした酵素反応機構の解明”
, KEK放射光 Conceptional Design Reports ver. 1.1, pp. 109-111
海野昌喜, 大人のための科学教室, 2017123, 日立シビックセンター


X-ray Crystallographic Evidence for the Simultaneous Presence of Axial and Rhombic Sites in Cupredoxins: Atomic Resolution X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of Pseudoazurin and DFT Modelling.
Yamaguchi, T., Akao, K., Takashina, A., Asamura, S., Unno, M., Szilagyi, R. K., *Kohzuma, T., RSC Advances(査読有); 6, 88358-88365, (2016)
 Atomic-resolution Structure of the Phycocyanobilin:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase (PcyA) I86D Mutant in Complex with Fully protonated Biliverdin.
Hagiwara, Y., Wada, K., Irikawa, T., Sato, H., Unno, M., Yamamoto, K., *Fukuyama, K., *Sugisihima, M., FEBS Lett.(査読有); 590, 3425-3434, (2016)

Monomeric Form of Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type I Revealed by X-ray Crystallography and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering.”
Saijo, S., Nagai, A., Kinjo, S., Mashimo, R., Akimoto, M., Kizawa, K., Yabe-Wada, T., Shimizu, N., Takahara, H., *Unno, M., J. Mol. Biol.(査読有); 428, 3058-3073, (2016)
*海野昌喜, 日下勝弘, 玉田太郎, 杉島正一, 和田啓, 萩原義徳, 福山恵一, 波紋(査読有); 26, 130-135, (2016)
瀬戸秀紀, 高木成幸, 海野昌喜, *森一広, 月刊 化学(査読有); 171, 70-71, (2016)
Neutron Crystallography Reveals Two Protonation States of PcyA, a Bilin Reductase.”
*Unno, M., Ishikawa-Suto, K., Kusaka, K., Tamada, T., Hagiwara, Y., Sugishima, M., Wada, K., Ishihara, M., Fukuyama, K., J-PARC ANNUAL REPORTS 2014 Research and Development Highlight(査読有) 2, 15-17, (2016)

Unno, M., Ikeda-Saito, M., A Guide to Synchrotron Radiation Science, (Alpha Science Intl. Ltd., Oxford), Watanabe, M. et al. (ed.), pp. 9.30-9.36

"Neutron crystallography elucidated the protonation states of a bilin reductase PcyA in complex with its substrate biliverdin"
Unno, M., The International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University, 2016, November 20th, (Mito, JAPAN)

海野昌喜, 2015年度第2回水和ナノ構造研究会, 2016年3月6日(仙台)
海野昌喜, 首都大学東京理工学研究科第251回化学コースコロキウム, 2016年2月7日(東京)


Insights into the Proton Transfer Mechanism of a Bilin Reductase PcyA Following Neutron Crystallography.”
*Unno, M., Ishikawa-Suto, K., Kusaka, K., Tamada, T., Hagiwara, Y., Sugishima, M., Wada, K., Yamada, T., Tomoyori, K., Hosoya, T., et al. (他5名), Fukuyama, K., J. Am. Chem. Soc.
(査読有); 137, 5452–5460, (2015)
 X-ray Crystallographic Elucidation for the Alkaline High-spin State Transition of Iron(III) Cytochrome c′ from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans NCIMB 11015.
Takashina, A., Unno, M., *Kohzuma, T., Chem. Lett.(査読有); 44, 268-270, (2015)
*福山恵一, 和田啓, 杉島正一, 海野昌喜, 日本生化学会誌(査読有); 87, 753-757, (2015)
*海野昌喜, 杉島正一, 和田啓, 萩原義徳, 日下勝弘, 玉田太郎, 福山恵一, 日本結晶学会誌 (査読有); 57, 297-303, (2015)

海野昌喜, 四季(中性子産業利用協議会 季報); 28, pp. 6-7

海野昌喜, 3回物構研サイエンスフェスタ・第6MLFシンポジウム, 2015318日(つくば)

海野昌喜, 平成27年度第一回生物構造学研究会, 20151117日(東京)


海野昌喜, 齋藤正男, 日本結晶学会誌査読有); 56, 270-276, (2014)
Neutron Structure of Phycocyanobilin:oxidoreductase Complexed with Biliverdin"
*Unno, M., Ishikawa-Suto, K., Kusaka, K., Tamada, T., Hagiwara, Y., Sugishima, M., Wada, K., Yamada, T., Ishihara, M., Fukuyama, K. Acta Crystrogr. A: Foundation and Advances, (査読無)70/a1, C1218
Two Crystal Forms of Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type III (PAD3)" (国際会議論文)
Akimoto, M., Ishihara, M., Kizawa, K., Takahara, H., *Unno, M., Acta Crystrogr. A: Foundation and Advances, (査読無)70/a1, C937
Weak Interaction of an Inhibitor in the 20S Proteasome.” 
Murakami, T., Yamaguchi, H., Bahrudin, U., Kita, A., Hisatome, I., Tanaka, K., Unno, M., *Morimoto, Y., Acta Crystrogr. A: Foundation and Advances,
(査読無)70/a1, C487, (2014)

海野昌喜, 日本の結晶学II -その輝かしい発展-, (日本結晶学会)日本の結晶学II編集委員会 編, 359, (2014)
"Importance of Citrullination on Hair Protein Molecular Assembly During Trichocytic Differentiation"
Kizawa, K., Unno, M., Heizmann, C.W., Takahara, H., Protein Deimination in Human Health and Disease (2014), pp. 129-148, Editos Anthony P. Nicholas, Sanjyoy, K. Bhattacharya


Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Human Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type I.”
*Unno, M., Kinjo, S., Kizawa, K., Takahara, H., Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. (査読有); 69,  1357-1359, (2013)

 Human S100A3 Tetramerization Propagates Ca2 +/Zn2 + Binding States.
*Kizawa, K., Jinbo, Y., Inoue, T., Takahara, H., Unno, M., Heizmann, C. W., Izumi, Y., Biochim. Biopys. Acta (査読有); 1833, 1712-1719, (2013)
Structure Analysis and Characterization of the Cytochrome c-554 from Thermophilic Green Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacterium Chlorobaculum Tepidum.
Yu, L.-J.#, Unno, M.#, Kimura, Y., Yanagimoto, K., Oh-oka, H., *Wang-Otomo, Z.-Y. (#equally contributed), Photosynthesis Research(査読有); 118, 249-258, (2013)
Structures of the Substrate-free and Product-bound Forms of HmuO, a Heme Oxygenase from Corynebacterium Diphtheriae: X-ray Crystallography and Molecular Dynamics Investigation
Unno, M., Ardèvol, A., Rovira, C., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Biol. Chem., (査読有), 288, 34443-34458, (2013)

  Structure-Function Relationships of Ferredoxin-dependent Bilin Reductases.
Unno, M., Sugishima, M., Wada, K., Fukuyama, K., An Integrating Approach to Photo Functional Hybrid Materials for Energy and Environment, (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), Akitsu, T. (ed.), pp. 47-67, (2013)
Purification and Characterization of the Human Cysteine-Rich S100A3 Protein and Its Pseudo Citrullinated Forms Expressed in Insect Cells
Kizawa, K., Unno, M., Takahara, H., Heizmann, C. W., Calcium-Binding Proteins and RAGE: From Structural Basics to Clinical Applications, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 963, (Springer), Heizmann, C.W. (ed.), pp. 73-86, (2013)


 Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Human Peptidylarginine Deiminase Type III.
*Unno, M., Kizawa, K., Ishihara, M., Takahara, H., Acta Crystallogr. Sect F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun.(査読有); 68, 668-670, (2012)
 Crystallographic Studies of Heme Oxygenase Complexed with an Unstable Reaction Intermediate, Verdoheme.
*Unno, M., Matsui, T., Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Inorg. Biochem.(査読有); 113, 102-109, (2012)
*海野昌喜, 佐々木誠, 酒井隆一, 齋藤正男, 日本結晶学会誌(査読有); 54, 338-344, (2012)
海野昌喜, 日本生化学会生体機能関連化学部会ニュースレター(査読無), 26, No. 4, 3-7, (2012)


 Binding and Selectivity of the Marine Toxin Neodysiherbaine A and Its Synthetic Analogues to GluK1 and GluK2 Kainate Receptors.”
*Unno, M., Shinohara, M., Takayama, K., Tanaka, H., Teruya, K., Doh-ura, K., Sakai, R., Sasaki, M., *Ikeda-Saito M., J. Mol. Biol.(査読有); 413, 667-683, (2011)
Refined Crystal Structures of Human Ca2+/Zn2+-Binding S100A3 Protein Characterized by Two Disulfide Bridges.”
*Unno, M., Kawasaki, T., Takahara, H., Heizmann, C.W., Kizawa, K., J. Mol. Biol.
(査読有); 408, 477-490, (2011)
金属タンパク質のX線結晶構造解析: ヘム分解酵素の反応中間体
*海野昌喜, 松井敏高, 齋藤正男,  日本結晶学会誌, (査読有)
53, 213-218, (2011)
S100 and S100 Fused-Type Protein Families in Epidermal Maturation with Special Focus on S100A3 in Mammalian Hair Cuticles
Kizawa, K., Takahara, H., Unno, M., Heizmann, C.W., Biochimie
(査読有), 93, 2038-2047, (2011)

“Structural Study for Unstable Intermediates of Heme Proteins”
Unno, M., 3rd Georgian Bay International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry,2011年6月2日,Parry Sound, Canada
“Structural and Functional Studies for PAD3 and S100A3 Proteins”
Unno, M., Seminar in Purpan University, Toulouse, France, 2012年8月


Enzymatic Ring-Opening Mechanism of Verdoheme by the Heme Oxygenase: A Combined X-ray Crystallography and QM/MM Study
Lai, W., Chen, H., Matsui, T., Omori, K., Unno, M., *Ikeda-Saito, M., *Shaik, S., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (
査読有), 132, 12960-12970, (2010)
Solution 1H NMR Characterization of Substrate-free C. diphtheriae Heme Oxygenase: Pertinence for Determining Magnetic Axes in Paramagnetic Substrate Complexes
Du, Z., Unno, M., Matsui, T., Ikeda-Saito, M., *La Mar, G. N., J. Inorg. Biochem. (
査読有), 104, 1063-1070, (2010)
Dioxygen Activation for The Self-degradation of Heme: Reaction Mechanism and Regulation of Heme Oxygenase
*Matsui, T., Iwasaki, M., Sugiyama, R., Unno, M., *Ikeda-Saito, M., Inorg. Chem. (
査読有), 49, 3602-3609, (2010)
"Heme oxygenase reveals its strategy for catalyzing three successive oxygenation reactions"
*Matsui, T., Unno, M., *Ikeda-Saito, M., Acc. Chem. Res. (2010), 43(2):240-247.

Understanding of Nitric Oxide-Binding Mechanism of Cytochrome c' Based on Atomic Resolution Structure”
Unno, M., Takashina, A., Kohzuma, T.,
日本生物物理学会第48回年会, 仙台, 20109


"Crystal Structure of Verdoheme–Heme Oxygenase Complex: Implications for Oxygen Activation Mechanism" (国際会議論文)
Matsui, T., Omori, K., Unno, M., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (査読無), 14(Suppl. 1), (2009), S144
"Structural Characterization Myoblobin Peroxo Intermediate" (国際会議論文)
Kusama, S., Unno, M., Chen, H., Shaik, S., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (査読無), 14 (Suppl. 1), (2009), S204
"Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of Heme Oxygenase" (国際会議論文)
Unno, M., Matsui, T., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (査読無), 14 (Suppl. 1), (2009), S78
"Structural Biological Inorganic Chemistry of Heme Oxygenase" (国際会議論文)
*Ikeda-Saito, M., Matsui, T., Unno, M., J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (査読無), 14 (Suppl. 1), (2009), S7
"Structural Insight of Heme Oxygenase Catalysis" (国際会議論文)
*Ikeda-Saito, M., Unno, M., Matsui, T., FEBS Journal (査読無), 276 (Suppl. 1), (2009), 21

“9. Characterization of Metal Proteins”
Unno, M., Ikeda-Saito, M., Nanohybridization of Organic-Inorganic Materials ADVANCES IN MATERIALS RESEARCH 13 (2009), 193-217. Edited by Muramatsu, A., Miyashita, T.


"The Structure of the Mammalian 20S Proteasome at 2.75 Å Resolution"
Unno, M., Mizushima, T., Morimoto,Y., Tomisugi, Y., Tanaka, K., Yasuoka, N., *Tsukihara, T., Structure (2002), 10(5), 609-618
"Crystal Structure of the Dioxygen-bound Heme Oxygenase from Corynebacterium diphtheriae"
*Unno, M., Matsui, T., Chu, G.C., Couture, M., Yoshida, T., Rousseau, D.L., Olson, J.S., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Biol. Chem., (2004), 279(20), 21055-21061
"Structural Characterization of the Fleeting Ferric Peroxo Species in Myoglobin: Experiment and Theory"
*Unno, M., Chen, H., Kusama, S. Shaik, S., *Ikeda-Saito, M., J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2007), 129(44), 13394–13395
"Structure and catalytic mechanism of heme oxygenase"
*Unno, M., Matsui, T., Ikeda-Saito, M., Nat. Prod. Rep., (2007), 24(3), 553-570
"Design of metal cofactors activated by a protein–protein electron transfer system"
*Ueno, T., Yokoi, N., Unno, M., Matsui, T., Tokita, Y., Yamada, M., Ikeda-Saito, M., Nakajima, H., Watanabe, Y., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., (2006), 103(25), 9416-9421





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